1. Sections found in the presentat ions are listed in Table 1.

    You can refine your search by specifying a section on the search page.

    Table 1. List of sections found in English and Japanese presentations
         Section                                           Description                                     
    S Start
    I Introduction
    M Materials and Methods
    R Results and Discussion
    C Conclusion
    E Ending
    Q Question & Answer
  2. Steps found in the presentat ions are listed in Table 2.

    You can refine your search by specifying a step on the search page.

    Table 2. List of steps found in English and Japanese presentations
           Step                                             Description                                     
    Ack Acknowledgments
    Aud Audience orientation
    Bkg Background
    Des Description
    Eva Evaluation
    Exp Explanation
    Fur Further research
    Gap Gap
    Imp Implication
    Ovw Overview
    Prc Procedure
    Wrk Present Work
  3. Each line in the retrieved results of a search is called a "concordance line."

    It appears with the step to which it belongs and the name of its file of origin. The file name is composed of 11 characters which represent the information given in Table 3.

    Table 3. How to read the name of a file
    Character No. Meaning
    1 "J", Japanese presentation; "E", English presentation
    2-3 The country or region from which the researcher comes or where he or she works.
    JP = Japan, US = United States, UK = United Kingdom, CA = Canada, GR = Germany, AU = Australia, NZ = New Zealand, HK = Hong Kong, TW = Taiwan
    4-5 The number of years of experience with the language used. "99" = native speaker of the language, experienced researcher. "90" = native speaker of the language, student.
    6-8 Research field.
    MAT = Materials, CAI = Computer/Artf Intlgc, ELE = Electric/Electronic/Communic Eng, MEC = Mech Eng, CIV = Civil/Environ Eng, CHM = Chemistry
    9-11 Identification code of the presentation

    A sequence of three question marks (???) in a concordance line indicates one or more words that could not be transcribed because of noise or other reasons.
